Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Birding Downtown San Francisco

I have worked in downtown San Francisco for nearly 18 years but I have not birded there for probably ten years. After all it is mostly tall buildings and concrete. Today, November 15, 2006, I took my binoculars with me to work and at lunch headed to the little park in between Clay and Washington Streets and Davis and Drumm Streets. I soon found Denise Wight who had told me in a previous encounter that she had been finding rarities there. The park which has no name, is only three blocks from my office. Today, Denise showed me a BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLER that was at eye level foraging on the trees and shrubs in this little micro-habitat. The poor little eastern vagrant has been there for about a week now according to Denise. Other birds we saw in the little park were many YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLERS, two TOWNSEND'S WARBLERS, some RUBY-CROWNED KINGLETS, one HERMIT THRUSH, lots of ROCK PIGEONS, a WESTERN GULL, two RED-TAILED HAWKS overhead, ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRDS and several HOUSE SPARROWS. I didn't have my camera with me but if it doesn't rain I plan to go back at lunch time tomorrow and see if the little lost bird is still there for some photos.

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